Tuesday, November 23, 2021

211123 Sentinel, Missing You

Joyce my love

Joyce, I rise every morning and look over to see you, but you aren’t there anymore. I know it’s foolish, but I can still dream can’t I? Later in the day, while you cooked all those delicious meals and I never paid much attention to how you accomplished your culinary feats, now I wish I had. You relished cooking while I just cleaned up afterward. You spent a lot of time with meals. I am learning how to make my meals as quickly as possible because I don’t have someone with your skills to teach me the proper way to cook and I like you, when I was gone for navy deployments or schooling trips you never felt like cooking for one person. Nothing is as good as when you cooked it, but I am getting plenty of nourishment and not losing weight anymore.

My domestic woes continue. I started to do some laundry this morning and wanted to change sheets. I knew which ones I wanted to use, the white ones with the little blue stars, but where you put them, only God and you know where they are, because I don't. I looked for a half hour in every storage place we have and did not find the ones I wanted. This is the point when you would spin around, snap your fingers and the sheets would magically appear as you casually say in your little derogatory way, “you look for things like a boy.” I never quite understood that as being all that bad; in all the world back then, I found you didn’t I?

While I looked for the sheets this morning, I found still more Christmas decor that you had available. I know you had me throw away a bunch of Christmas things this last summer so I never dreamed there was as much as there is still here. I was putting up more Christmas yesterday and thought I had everything, but again I was wrong. I guess I just continue to look for things like a boy.


  1. Hey dad, did you look at where she kept the towels for your bathroom? Or inside one of the plastic storage containers that she would call her "sweater boxes " they are a little bit larger than the shoebox, but not too big that she couldn't carry it herself. Look maybe in your closet or under your bed. Or most likely they are under something that you have already looked at and didn't dig all the way to the bottom. Love you so much, Annie

    1. I had given up looking for those white sheets. I read your comment and thought I would look one more time. I had that sweater box in my hands 3 times, but all there was was in there looked to be a set of blue sheets. This morning I took the lid off and lifted the end of the pillowcase and there were the white sheets inside them. Why would your mother store them like that? I have to wonder. Thanks for the tip.

  2. You have to wonder... how did I know? It's funny how two people can live and learn from the same person and they both know different things about that person. Mom taught us a lot but I still feel like I didn't get to learn it all.
