Monday, November 22, 2021

211122 Sentinel, Joyce's Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family.

These pictures below are the last Thanksgiving pictures I have or can find. I'm not sure what happened to cancel Thanksgiving of 2019. Thanksgiving 2020 was cancelled for Covid-19. Therefore, I am calling these pictures of Thanksgiving 2018 Joyce's last hurah for the Thanksgiving celebrations she created. She was just 11 months out of the hospital from her first aneurysm. She was a remarkable woman.

The first pic is celebatory champaigne.

This pic I like to think of as hovering around Joyce as she continued with her preparations for the dinner.
This was Hailey on Thankgiving, she is the princess daughter of our princess daughter Annie.
This picture was I suppose a girls conference about something between Joyce and Hailey.
The rolls are out and ready to go into the oven, meanwhile Joyce is mashing whole potatoes because Hailey liked the real lumps in potatoes instead of the perfectly smooth packaged mashed potato mixes available.
This was the bird of the day, just about to come out of the oven.
This was Joyce just beginning to carve the bird.
Another conference over something unknown to me.
The completed project with the two satisfied women cooking it.
The initial rush. Who can wait after the long time with the smell of cooking filling the air?
The table filled (except for the cameraman).
The after dinner treats awaiting for those who may have saved room for them.

I pray God blesses your Thanksgiving this year with food, friends and family. I will spend mine with the woman who blessed me with 58 years of love and memories. I know she'll be with me in spirit. This Thanksgiving is a good time to tell those you are with, how much you love and care for them. Of course it's always a good time to tell them you love them because one day you'll find they're gone and it's too late to tell them. Love early and love often, it's good for the soul.

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