Saturday, November 20, 2021

211120, Sentinel, Bad Things Happen

How not to start your day.

I drove over to my local Aldi grocery store, stopped the car, removed the key from the ignition and as my hand went back to unlatch the seatbelt the key slid out of my hand and landed between the seat and the center console. The space between the two is so narrow I don't know how it happened. It is so narrow my hand wouldn't slide down there but the key did. That left me no choice but to go under the seat and try to rescue the key from that direction. Picture me kneeling down on a cold parking lot showing my backside to the world like an old drunk stubmbling into his car after a long night at a friendly bar. While the pictures of my two hands don't look terribly bad now, imagine both of them with blood rushing out like an open spigot. I don't know how so much blood came out without opening a vein, but maybe that's what happened. I didn't feel either hand being cut, but the steel used in the underpinning of that seat is as sharp as a skinning knife. So there I was, with no first aid supplies to use. I didn't even think to use a facial tissue to mop up the blood. I slipped my dirty gloves on and went into the store to garner my necessaary supplies. My hands stopped bleeding and when I got back home I washed and put some peroxide on my wounds. The slices on my flesh didn't even require a bandage. Something I notice with elderly adults is how thin their skin gets. Mine is so thin I can see the veins underneath. The veins pop up during any exercize or other work. During morning yoga they really stand up tall.

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