Friday, November 19, 2021

211119 Sentinel, Spinning Top

The Spinning Top

I remember when I was a child I had a delightful toy. It was a spinning top. There was a 6 inch long twisted metal shaft. It worked like this: pull the metal shaft up and push it down. Pulling it up did nothing, but pushing it down caused the top to rotate. It started with a slow turn, but the more push/pull action, the faster the top spun. Therein is a metaphor of life. As a child the days, months, years go by slowly and in teen years there is more momentum and increased speed. From that point on the top spins ever faster. That child’s toy had bright colors and pretty designs painted on it, but when it got to the fast spin stage everything turned into a blur of high speed activity. That is where I am right now, The days fly by at high speed. I need my calendar to keep track of what day, week and year it is at the moment. There is a short video at the end of this post that shows how the top worked.

Rhett and Annie came over and took me to get my booster shot for Covid-19 last Saturday (which feels like yesterday as I wrote about in the previous paragraph.) I appreciated their thoughtfulness and kindness. I’m not sure if I would have done that on my own. I am blessed to have people who care about me and they aren’t all my blood family.

I watched a movie yesterday that was fun and more importantly upbeat with a great ending. So many movies these days don’t really have an ending, but instead they just stop. The ending credits began and there were 2 voice overs that I had to write down so I could share them with you. First was, “In life the only mistake is the chance you don’t take, and the love you don’t make.” I don’t know about you, but that applies to me. The second one was, “Life may take you to distant places, but it’s love that brings you back.” I can attest to both those statements.

One last note here that I often consider and that you may want to spend a moment considering: If you could go back in time and change something in your past, would you? Bear in mind that anything you would change in the past would also change your future. You didn’t know back then how your act would change your future and if you changed the past today you still wouldn’t know that future might bring.

Spinning top short video

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