Tuesday, November 9, 2021

211109 Sentinel, Last Time

mobile theme

We never know until it’s too late.

One never knows when will be the last time he/she will make love with their spouse. We don’t even know when will be the last time we hold them in our arms. It’s not just older people, young people can keel over and die too. A sudden accident can end a promising life. A military deployment can be a last farewell. We have experienced and continue in a pandemic which took young and old alike.

This picture below has my grandfather left to right, uncle Kenny,uncle Tom and Joyce's father in the foreground, 4 men who shaped my life in the best possible way.

At this point in my life I have lost many family members. They range from parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, inlaws and siblings. I was a pallbearer for my grandfather and that was a horrific day in my young life. That day I saw my father, uncles and my brother crying along with me. I had never seen them cry before or after that day.

It has been 56 days since Joyce suddenly passed away. At 5:30 AM on the 13th of September she was perfectly fine. 24 hours later she was gone forever. My point is if you have someone you love, tell them you love them. There will be disagreements in any relationship, but never part in the middle of one. No one wants the last words to a loved one to be in anger. Joyce and I had our issues at times, but I always made it a point to resolve them before we went to sleep that night because I didn’t want an issue to fester into a deep fissure.

When we are young we think of life as never ending; when we are older we begin to realize that life is impermanent and very short in the scheme of things. I have a caveat here. Because life is so short, don’t waste it being around people who are not worth your time or your love. Don't be afraid to end a relationship that is not right for you after you have given it a good chance to work, but then realize it will never work out well.

I discovered that YouTube has some wonderful music compilations available a few months ago. Now I recently found some by a man named Jake Westbrook. He has 33 vintage compilations for Autumn, Christmas, Summer, old tunes and so far they are all wonderful. The compilations also have some nice vintage snapshots during the presentations. Check them out!


  1. I have to say that YOU, MOM & the BLESSING of having a finely tuned sense of watching other people do things the wrong way & filing that away for future knowledge. & OF COURSE just having COMMON SENSE[something that you would think is COMMON, but isn't? HOW/WHY is that? think of the saying "common sense will tell you" but so many people I have met in my life have NONE!]all of those things helped shape me. In my entire life NEVER NOT ONE TIME did I ever hear you & mom fight or even have a raised voice, never day/night! kind of thought it was weird, all my friends parents were vicious to each other! I'm blessed, I would think. I tried to have that in every relationship I ever had. didn't work out 4yr,9yr,4yr. I learned to be a better me. NOW 20+yrs & it has been bliss. SOMETIMES you can't see how good you have it until you have had it so bad. IF YOU wake up every day & say today I will do better than yesterday, at just being me, you will ALWAYS have something to do
    .....love you... ANNIE
    ALSO you know, there was NEVER a time that I didn't hug & kiss you & mom every time I came home & every time I left. ALWAYS .....ANNIE

  2. Thank you for the nice compliment. My little girl has become a philosopher. You have come a long way since the day when you told me that there was no sense in going to school anymore because nuclear bombs would soon be raining down and destroying the world. You may have been 8 years old at the time.
