Wednesday, November 3, 2021

211103 Sentinel, Songs of Love

These are songs that make me think of Joyce.

The first is Blue Velvet This was popular right after I was out of boot camp and in Millington, Tennessee for navy training. I have no idea exactly what made me long for Joyce, but it did.

The second Chapel of Love was popular when we were married in Millington. My father despised this one. He didn't want me to enlist in the navy, didn't want me to marry Joyce. I don't know what he wanted from me.

The third is December 1963. The song didn’t come out until the seventies, but it describes the effect Joyce had on me from the first moment I met her.

The fourth is Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime I don’t know when this song came out, but it strikes me as what I would want to sing about Joyce.

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