Saturday, October 2, 2021

2110 Sentinel, Letter to Joyce #8

Dear Joyce

Your favorite season, autumn began on September 22 of this year 2021 and you were no longer here to see it. I’ve been out walking twice every day since your passing. My days without you never seem to end. I have to fill them somehow and walking is good for me.

This picture is Joyce and our nephew Patrick, 20 years ago.

I am preparing my meals every day and you would be proud in some ways but urging me to get more protein. I am eating a lot of salads and things that are quick and easy to prepare. I am feeling better not eating meat. I checked and I will be okay on protein with fish and eggs. You know me, I love both of them. You also know that my favorite meats were sausages and by far sausage is the worst for me without a gall bladder or even with one for that matter.

I’m still practicing my yoga every morning, but it’s not the same without you there with me. I keep looking over to your spot but so far you are not there.

I know you remember when we went to visit your uncle William in the rest home. His roommate was thinking he was still in World War Two and he was marching down the halls barking orders to men who were not there. Maybe someday I’ll be off my rocker and be seeing you beside me. We’ll be back in California the second time when we would walk all over Coronado every evening and it was wonderful. We would walk on the beach after dark, just the two of us.

All of my love,


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