Sunday, August 15, 2021

210815 The Sentinel, Social Programs, Wisdom, Climate

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This is a word people love to hate. It got a bad name with the Nazis in WW-2. But here is some of the good things with our own social programs. Social Security keeps children from having to house and feed their own parents. Unemployment Compensation is a social program that most people in this country have relied upon to keep them afloat when jobs are taken away from them. Without Welfare many people would be dying and that includes millions of white people as well as dark-skinned people. Medicare keeps elderly from being unable to receive healthcare at a price they can afford. Medicaid gets people who cannot afford health insurance from dying. Minimum Wage is a social program that created the middle-class in this country. Without it, people would be working for nickels and dimes and be unable to support themselves. The 2 biggest socialist countries in the world both have social programs for businesses and for their wealthy. Guess what so does this country. The oil industry (wealthiest in the world) is still subsidized by the American taxpayer despite the fact they make billions of dollars a quarter, not in a year, but every quarter. The taxpayers also subsidize corporate farms that make billions, along with the tobacco industry which makes fortunes with a product that is known to cause cancer. Lest I forget, our wealthiest citizens get subsidies in the form of mega tax breaks. If they do pay taxes at all they pay a lesser percentage than a middle-class working woman.
Wisdom from the far east

To those who are good
Be also good
To those who are not good
Be also good
Thus goodness is achieved

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