Friday, July 9, 2021

210709 Sentinel, Notes for today

Things were so good for so long, until everything turned to dog shit.
As of today things are looking so much better. After reconsidering my situation and having a wonderful morning with our tasks everything seems brighter than it has been in the last few days. There is an ancient Chinese Philosopher from 500 BC named Lao Tzu who once said, “Whenever you have chasms (a deep hole in the earth) behind you and in front of you it is time to just sit and be still until the universe once again catches up to you and you may begin again.” That is what I did with some encouragement from my used to be west coast guru, now my western guru. Lao Tzu and my guru were correct!

After our tasks this morning, Joyce and I were sitting in my office (I love having my own office now) and we were talking about old times, when she told me that after our first meeting in a drive-in movie she did not even remember what I looked like (and me a handsome young man at the time with my black and green checkered trousers and red plaid shirt). I did manage to get her phone number and called her days later and she agreed to go out with me on our first real date, even though she did not think she would recognize my face. I knocked at her door for our first date and who answered that door, her mother (well known to most of you as Grandma Mickey.) While Joyce wasn’t sure who I was, Grandma Mickey took complete inventory and committed it to memory just in case I might harm her daughter. By the time I made it through the gauntlet, I was sure happy to see Joyce.

I have a we might of a bone to pick here. We have been shopping at Aldi stores as per usual and have seen the onions there that are Texas sweet. They are quite tasty and we enjoy them along with our good friends from the great state of Texas, as Texas growers supply good groceries, but when the growers call the Texas sweet onions Vidalia onions, that is wrong and misleading. Vidalia onions are only grown in the state of Georgia. Georgia has the only climate/growing season that will produce Vidalia onions. Vidalias are only available in late November or early December and that is it. The Texas sweet masquerading as Vidalia is available in early to late spring and that is not right in my book to infringe on another product’s good name.

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