Wednesday, July 7, 2021

210707 Sentinel, Failure!

For those of you who read yesterday’s post, Carbon=Life and the added part loss, this morning brought another loss.

I went to the DMV and had all of my paperwork in perfect order, but then I failed the vision test! This was a divesting loss for me. I have always had excellent vision in a family that has had poor vision. And with this morning I found out I have joined their ranks. I have never before failed a vision test. I arrived back home in a deep funk and am still wallowing in this latest loss. It was bad enough with my 75 year loss or step down and now this coming in as the icing on a lousy cake. I have quit driving on the interstate highways, now I can’t even drive across town at my usual 25-30 mils and hour. I am soon facing no longer driving at all. I was ready to quit driving 4 years ago and have Joyce take the wheel, but her eye problems eliminated her ever driving again. I understood and took that setback in stride. Now I feel I will soon have to say goodbye to driving myself. I know this sounds like I am just whining, but that’s only because I am whining. I’ll be better tomorrow.

I already have an appointment with an eye doctor and he will fix me up with come glasses so I can go back for my test..


  1. now way back when[if you can remember that far back] they had the eye chart/sign chart hanging back behind the info taker, and while you waited in line FOREVER you could memorize chart, and you could here the dmv employee on what line he was going to ask the next person to read because they didn't want to get confused, they would go down the line "read line 1", next person "read line 2" etc. then you really knew what line to memorize! i love you and i will drive you anywhere anytime, all you need to do is call and give me the time. love you...annie

  2. Thank you, I may have to call on you if I do not get my new glasses back in time. Read today's post and see what has evolved since then. Love you!

  3. Bill,
    I strongly suggest you check to see if your vision problems are caused by cataracts before you spend a lot of money on glasses. I am 80 and had cataracts removed around 10years ago. I don't wear glasses anymore, just readers if the light is bad. Medicare pays for most of the cost of cataract removal and the surgery takes about 30 minutes in a clinic office-outpatient.
    Some times they do them one at a time.

  4. Bill the above comment is from Jim Stoeppler.
