Monday, March 15, 2021

The Sentinel, Saint Patricks Day 210315

      Grandpa and my Irish grandma back in the thirties.

      Saint Patrick’s day is on Wednesday this year. It is a happy day for the Irish and those who wish they were Irish.

      Saint Patrick lived a life of tragedy between imprisonment and working menial tasks, but he always had faith in God. His legend was that he let all the snakes out of Ireland and into the sea. Whether or not that happened is unknown. Partic was born in Britain of Roman parents, so he really wasn’t even Irish, but became a patron saint of the Christian country in those days when Ireland was still all Christian.

      We Irish still celebrate the day each year. My grandmother was straight off the boat Irish. My mother was Irish in every detail, while my father was German. So when I came along I had the traits of an Irish mother and a stubborn German father. I am Irish in my heart and German in many ways. Joyce always says, "You can always tell an Irishman, you just can’t tell them much." She seems to forget she is German and guess what; you can’t tell a German much either!


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