Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sentinel, News 210220


      I was thinking about how my body has declined in the last 5 years and I admit that I was feeling sad about that. I continued thinking about the situation and then I realized just how wonderful our human bodies are. Consider this, in one lifetime our heart beats roughly 2.5 billion times! Even better, we don’t have to work to make it happen. It just does all that work without us thinking about it. We sleep at night and the heart keeps on pumping needed blood through our veins.

We all have a magnificent brain. Our brain tells our body what to do and when to do it. We go to sleep at night and we believe everything just shuts down while we rest, not true. That 3 pound brain of ours goes to work harder in our sleep than we believe it does during the daytime. Our brain is more complex than any computer in the world.

Humans have a complex set of muscles that can propel a 200 or more pound body for 80 years and more. Except for elephants and maybe alligators, we are at the top of the list in locomotion over such a long lifespan.

We are not all as handsome as Adonis or pretty as a spring flower, but one thing I have learned is that looks are superficial. These days I observe one’s heart and that is where true beauty lies.


      For those of us who were raised thinking we were and are now the center of the universe perhaps you are correct.

      Science tells us that the universe is infinite. If that is so, then wherever you are, you are the center of the universe. The downside of that thinking is this, everyone else on the planet is also the center of the universe. Now the question is, are we all wonderful or are we all just the same?



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