Friday, February 19, 2021

Sentinel, Judgement 210219

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


We humans have a built-in system of judgement. That protects us in a way to avoid those who might harm us. That same blessing can be an impediment with prejudice and bigotry learned from parents.

One more thing I have found is this; if people feel superior to me, they generally like me. If they feel inferior they tend to dislike me. I suppose that is a normal thing, but I have no way of proving that.

Earth Mothers

Joyce and her mother are or were earth mothers. People, even strangers would seek them out and tell them things they would never tell anyone else. They seemed to know their innermost secrets would be held sacred and not related to anyone. My own mother when she was on her death bed had Joyce lean over and mom whispered to her something she did not want told to anyone. That was 2005 and now in 2021 Joyce will still not tell me what it was.


One thing about human judgment that has benefitted me is the fact that I always was and always will be the 76% man. That means that I am no better than almost anyone on the planet and for the most part through the years people have tolerated me because they feel they are as smart as I am and therefore no threat to them. I am fine with that. Throughout my lifetime I have always strived to be around people smarter than I am. My thinking was always this; I can’t gain any knowledge from someone who is not as intelligent as I am and that has always opened me to a multitude of people.

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