Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Sentinel, Love, Hate 210209

      It’s an old phrase, only love conquers hate. I have always wondered about its validity.

      Right now, right here our wonderful country is split right down the middle of a giant divide. I realize there has been strife in families over politics and in the political games as long as I have been alive and even before.

      During my navy years I was a staunch repblican as most of my shipmates were. I held on to that for a long time afterward. My dad was a conservative democrat (yes there were some back then) he and I would butt heads over politics. He always had opinions on everything and those opinions could never be changed. One thing he told me was this “working people are democrats and wealthy people are republicans. Some working people start to make a few bucks, put a little money away and then they think they are republicans, but they are not recognized by the party.”

      Years have gone by in politics and in the last several years the normal head butting has turned visceral and worse, violent. The extreme as was on display just 1 month ago. Now people have moved from jeering, name calling, butting heads to killing and death threats in the halls of congress. Is this the country we the people want? It is the country we have right now.

      Now we have hate on both sides and hate is bad for each side. Hate is bad for your brain and body. Hate consumes massive amounts of energy. Hate creates conflict, while love creates happiness. I choose to love you even if you choose to hate me. Is it now possible for love to conquer hate? Stay tuned and we can see how things turn out.

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