Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sentinel, Survival 210127


      I have written in the past about routines in life. We all have a routine lifestyle that we live in for 90% of our lives and humans need that to feel that everything is right and correct in our daily existence. The 10% left is for the heart-pounding events that are frightening and at the same time exciting, but we might not be able to handle that were the percentages reversed. This post is about our survival routine in a pandemic.
      At first it was so different than anything we had ever experienced. The isolation was not fun. Wearing a mask was something only armed robbers wore. I felt odd walking into a convenience store with a mask over my face, thinking the cashier would freak out. Still today I have a difficult time breathing through a mask. I don’t know how workers on an 8 hour shift can make it through a day with a mask over their mouth and nose. Initially the days dragged on and seemed to never end, but as we began to adapt, the days were shorter. We made changes and developed new patterns of what we did at different times of the day. Now at nearly 1 year into the nightmare we have fully adapted to our new life and at this point we don’t have enough hours in the day to do all that we care to do. Now, things we were going to accomplish today have to get pushed back until tomorrow or even until the day after. We do look forward to whatever becomes the new normal. I do hope there is a new normal at some point in the future, maybe there will be a new normal, maybe not. Only the supreme being up in the clouds knows what will happen and HE ain’t showing HIS cards just yet.
      One last thought today, we christians have always been taught that our god in heaven is a man. That’s the way it was written in the bible, by men who never considered a woman as more than chattel owned by a man. No one has ever seen god. All there is is a story that Moses saw an angel of god and a burning bush that spoke to him and didn’t burn out. I’m not saying god is a woman, but one might wonder at times when the mysterious ways of god baffle us. Certainly we men all know that most women are mysterious at some time or all of the time. I mean no disrespect to god. Jesus himself said “beware of false prophets that come to you in sheep’s clothing.”

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