Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Sentinel, Love 210126


      There is an old Beatles song from 1967 titled “all you need is love.” I was never a Beatles fan, but that song has meaning. That is “what the world needs now is love sweet love," which is another song that has a wonderful meaning.
      Jesus once said, “love thy neighbor as thyself.” It would appear that at this time a majority of Jesus’s followers choose not to follow His teachings. My thinking is when we do not love ourselves, it’s impossible to love others and so many today do not love who they are. People seem to not be satisfied with who they are. Perhaps they look at those around them and then feel inferior and think who can love an inferior person? I cannot prove my theory, but my observations do seem to point in that direction.
      The solution may be to look inwardly at oneself and realize what a marvelous creation we are. We have a mind that is able to think, weigh situations and come to conclusions, sometimes in the blink of an eye. Our bodies are a miracle of design and everyone has a body that is wonderful in its abilities. Certainly some are more attractive, some are better athletes, some are better academics, but out of 6 billion people on the earth, there is only one you. Understand there is always someone more successful and someone less successful than you, so love yourself for what you are and don’t disparage yourself for who you are not. Let’s start spreading some love today. It will make someone else happier and make yourself happier. I guarantee it!

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