Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sentinel, Facts 200110

      Here are the facts.

      I realized that in my last post that I asked for a subjective opinion concerning the breech of our capitol building. Today I will just state the facts. The facts are indisputable, now some politicians are trying to smooth them over and change the narrative, so sit back and enjoy the show they are putting on for you. Fact #1 a large group of people broke into our capitol building. Fact #2 they destroyed our taxpayer paid property. Fact #3 they stole our property. Fact #4 they terrorized our elected officials.

      UFOs are real. These videos have been taken by the U.S. navy on both coasts of our nation. West Coast East Coast There are other nations who have video footage as well.

      Death is another fact. No one makes it out of our reality without dying. No one has as yet come back from the dead to let us know what happens after death. Those are the facts.

      Now after the facts, these are my thoughts. Many people fear death. I do not. My only fear is the pain that will come prior to death. God created this world and the nature of the world is that nothing is wasted. Plants grow and then die and those plants nourish growth of other plants. Animals die and they become food for scavengers and their bones become food for plants. The same God that created nature also created a soul in each of us. I cannot believe that He would then defy all his other creations by letting a soul just be gone. Religion teaches that the good people go to heaven after death. That is in my mind, not the body, but just the soul that God created and I believe He will make use of that soul again.

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