Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sentinel, Conspiracy, Yoga, Frozen Fog 210103


These days conspiracy theorists run rampant all over our country, but that is nothing new. Conspiracy has been with us as long as I have lived. One that distresses me greatly concerns me and has bothered me as long as I can remember. It is the infamous hot dog bun conspiracy. Think about this; hot dog buns have always come in a package of eight, yet hot dogs come in a package of ten. Why is that? If you buy a package of brats they come in a package of either five or six, but the buns are always packed as eight. This travesty must end and end right now!


Joyce and I used to go to the fitness center on days weather permitting. It was good for us at the time, but it always seemed strange to drive a mile away to exercise and walk on an indoor track. Joyce was pretty good using those exercise machines. She could do a leg press set at 180 pounds, far better than I could. Winter time we missed a lot of trips over there. I figured there had to be some way to exercise at home during cold weather.

A year ago I found it, yoga at home. We have practiced it every day for this last year since last January first. We don’t have to scrape the windows on the car and get all shivery while the car warms up and even better we don’t even have to get dressed to go out. We can even do yoga naked. Sorry, now you have a horrible picture in your head that may not go away. We don’t do yoga naked. After all we aren’t dogs rubbing our tails on the carpeting. That gets a little rough on one’s backside.

Frozen Fog

This morning we are experiencing a dense frozen fog. It is nice to look through the window in our warm home, but not to have to drive our car into the fog. I cannot even see a house that is 30 yards away. That said, we had an excellent yoga session at 5:30 this morning and while I cannot be sure of this, I do believe there is some cool, refreshing beer in the refrigerator for later on today. Who am I kidding, there’s always beer in my fridge; that is until tomorrow when I will be out of beer. That is a cold, hard fact! It has been cold and unpleasant for 5 days now and my supply is nearly exhausted. By tomorrow one of us has to go to the store for beer and it won’t be Joyce. I will therefore use all my power to make tomorrow’s weather much better.

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