Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Sentinel, Veterans 201110

      Okay I have already posted about veterans, but one more before the day suits me just fine. This picture is the harbor in San Diego; it is revalent in the post below.

      I want to send out a big Thank You to veterans around the world that are away from their families and their homes. They do their duty to protect this great country of ours, while our government employees have the day off as a holiday, a holiday which veterans fought and died for during the World War One, World War Two, Korean War (or what was called a police event), the Vietnam War, the first Gulf War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the conglomeration of wars on terror up to this very moment.
      I remember when I was in the navy all those years we never had the day off and those men and women in foreighn lands tomorrow will not have the day off. Once I was out of service, I used to take a vacation day to celebrate veterans day. Now of course I no longer work and have the day off every year I have left in this world, but it is a sad day thinking about all those my age and older that are now in graves on this planet.
      One most memorable veterans day when I was in San Diego I took a vacation day and took my daughter to the veterans day services at Fort Rosecrans national cemetery on top of Point Loma, California. It was a beautiful ceremony with a bugler playing “Taps” along with a magnificent view of San Diego harbor. That was the best veterans day I ever had. My daughter was in grade school then and I don’t think she understood what it was all about and maybe doesn’t remember it.
      One last Thanks to those who served and those in service now. I pray God protects you and brings you home at some point.

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