Monday, October 5, 2020

Your Sentinel, Reports

There is a famous quote from Mark Twain that says, "the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

This morning I awakened with no rattles of death, no grim reaper standing beside me, no bright light in the dark distance and no person who has previously died standing there to greet me and guide me into the spirit world. So I figured out I am still alive, got up and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. I thanked the lord for another day with my beloved Joyce and despite all the crazyness in the world, we went about the day as we have for months now. As my neighbor Pete says, "every day above ground is a good day."

Joyce and I have gone down some rocky roads in the past as I imagine most couples have experienced, but we got to the end of those rocky roads and back on smooth highways. This country has been through some rough times in the past, World War Two, great depression, Vietnam, the Spanish flu, the list goes on, but never have things been this bad. We are a country divided, massive numbers of people are out of work, our government is not functioning properly. Our division has caused this. The blame for this is dependant on which side we are on. Abraham Lincoln once said, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." We are there right now. If we want to continue in the country we were raised, we have to come together. The way that happens (in my opinion) is to get young people in government with fresh ideas. That is how things change for the better. Get rid of old men in government that have old thinking that put us in the position we are currently experiencing. It's a new world that requires new thinking. Term limits would be a great start!

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