Thursday, October 15, 2020

Your Sentinel, Artificial Intelligence 201015

      The study of artificial intelligence (AI) began here in 1956. That's difficult to imagine. By the seventies, things started ramping up. Facebook started using it in 2017 and there were differing stories about how or if Facebook shut it down when their AI bots developed their own language its engineers could not decipher. They were afraid things would get totally out of their control.
      Then along came 2029 when after several years of out of control AI the AI had created the software and the ability to generate their own robots. The robots became a police force of their own. In 2029 the AI and their robots decided the human race was no longer necessary and was in fact detrimental to their own thoughts on how the planet should be operated. The huge robot force began a war to eliminate humans from the planet. The humans were nothing but a hindrance to good order.
      The robots, with their superior intelligence and physical prowess were easily eliminating humanity, but with 8 billion humans it was still a huge task to perform. Pockets of humans still existed in far away, secluded spots on the planet. Drone attacks were effective, but the drones could not find those hiding underground. That was the only salvation for the human race. The robots then began going into the dank caves after humans (they previously avoided them due to the high humidity content affecting their electronics, but there were enough robots at that point so having multitudes of them fail was an acceptable outcome as long as they eventually killed off the human race).
      The robots in the caves were accomplishing the mission, until the UFOs from a distant planet arrived and began wiping out the robots. The UFOs were piloted by another human race that was spawned on an earth-like planet centuries earlier due to the big bang that formed the universe. Their interest was expanding their overpopulated planet to earth. Their AI was more thoughtfully engineered than that of earth’s and was kept under human control.
      Everything in this post is true. The UFOs had never entered into the fray until the human race here was gone and then they disintegrated the computers that controlled the killer robots. The humans in the UFOs then took over the planet for themselves. You see, humans are all the same on whatever planet they are created upon,

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