Sunday, September 20, 2020

Your Sentinel, Let's Suppose This Happens 200920

You are out driving through a wooded area one night; the trees are dark, there are no street lights and your headlights give you a limited visibility as you drive down the road. You are less than 15 miles away from your friend's home (the one you were traveling there to see). Suddenly there is a blindingly bright light shining down on your car. The engine shuts off as well as all of the electrical system. You wonder what is happening to my car and what is that light above me?

Suddenly, there are four gray looking creatures by your car. You are mezmerized and unable to control your actions. You directed by the creatures to get out of the car and then you are taken to a strange airship and placed on an examination table. You are conscious, but unable to move as these creautres poke and prod you. The probing of their examination varies from uncomfortable to excruciating pain, but you are unable to move. You cannot see everything they are doing because all you can see is what's above your head.

The next morning you awaken in a small green meadow. You ache all over. You look all around and have no idea of where you are. At the edge of the meadow there is a heavily wooded area, that's where you remember being when the car stopped so you walk over and enter the wooded area. You wander about in there for hours until you finally see a road. You reach the road and begin to follow it. You do not know which direction to go so you flip a coin, heads one way tails the other and go in the direction the coin suggested. About three miles down the seemingly deserted road you see a car up ahead. You pick up the pace, but when you get closer you realize it is not your car. You look in the window and see that the keys are in the ignition, but no one is within sight. You call out, but there is no reply. It's curious that the car is apparently abandoned with the keys in the car. You consider taking the car to drive around and see if you can find your own vehicle. You want to use the car, but what if it is stolen and you are by some freak accident stopped by a state trooper, then arrested as the car thief. You decide to walk on by and continue the hunt for your own vehicle. Another mile or so and around a bend you spot another car beside the road, but it is not your car, as you pass by you note that its keys are also in the ignition. What are the odds of this happening? On down the way you see a third car beside the road. Hooray it is your little four-door sedan! Your feet are aching; you are hungry and as you look into the car, your keys are also in the ignition. The vehicle starts as if nothing ever happened to stop it last night.

You know what happened the night before, so now what do you do? Do you tell a friend? Do report your abduction to the police? You are aware that people who report these things are ridiculed and no one really believes that those things do happen. So I ask you seriously, what would you do?

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