Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Sentinel, Veterans and the Commander-in-Chief 200905

I may receive a shit-storm of criticism for this post, but there comes a time when I have to speak out about what I feel is going on.

There is a lot of reading material here, pick what you want or let it be.

The majority of my friends are republicans, (as I was before and during my 11 years in the navy) now I am a centrist. I see both sides of the political coin.

The commander in chief says he loves veterans, but do the facts support that? His republican controlled CBO is proposing cuts to disabled Veteran's benefits.

The commander in chief disrepcted John McCain during John's life and after his death. That man was a hero who sacrificed a lot for his country and yet the commander in chief disrespected him. There is a story just out in several news outlets, corroberated by multiple sources, that goes like this: the president and general John Kelly were in Arlington Cemetery at the grave of Kelly's son when this happened: You can click on this link to read the whole story.

You can click on the following link to read the entire story. This story in the Atlantic says it all.

Here are just three comments out of 79 from veterans on this linkUS Veterans Compensation programs web site

These are long dissertations but worth the reading if you want to know more about the treatment of veterans. The first one is very good.

If you have read this far, thank you for that.

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