Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Sentinel, Our Then and Now 200903

Here it is, my most embarassing picture ever! This is me and Fran, the girl next door, my first girl friend that was never really a girlfriend, by her choice, not mine. Those are tap shoes we were wearing for a recital. I do not remember how that went, but I am guessing it was not a pretty sight. My dance capabilities were and still are extremely limited.

Joyce and I were talking this morning and thinking about the external changes in our lifetime. We started life in homes with no TV until we were about 6 years old. No record players until teenage for her; we were married before I had a record player. Along came 8 track tapes in the late sixties and I loved them. They would play over and over withought having to change anything. I put one in our car. Not but a few years later came cassette tapes and Joyce bought me a stereo (my first) with my first record player and a cassette player. That was wonderful! We bought our first color TV, $750 for a 23 inch screen that the proper color lasted for about a year before the green color inside the tube burned out, so football games came with blue grass instead of green grass. Along came VCR devices with cassette tapes, so nice. We had the VCR and a bunch of movie tapes and then that ended. Then there were DVD's which are still around, but these days computers don't have a way to play them and soon DVD players will no longer be revalent. Now everything we have is streaming and the selection is more than I can possibly watch all of it. I remember seeing an interview with the CEO of HBO in the mid-nineties when he said that soon everything would be streaming content. I could not imagine that ever happening and yet here I am, with still a few DVD's I can watch on a player, but rearly ever use it.

As I typed my date logo on this post I saw that today is the 57th anniversary on my first enlistment in the United States Navy. I am stunned wondering where the hell has my life had gone since then?

All I can say at this point is that life is changing faster than it ever has in the history of the world and all we can do is change with it or be forever behind the curve and lost in bewilderment for the rest of our lives.

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