Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Sentinel, fact and opinion 200901

Here is something I found to be interesting. Christmas of 1944 during World War Two there were 32 million Americans in this country. 16 million were in uniform serving our country. Those on the home front were also aiding the war effort, by buying war bonds and even poor were buying war stamps to support the effort. Gas was rationed, meat rationed. Scrap drives were prevalent, everything was recycled, iron, silk nylons, tires even cooking grease was recycled. Everyone at home did their part, all the rest of them.

Somehow today so many are unhappy for every sort of reason under the sun. They want more than what they have; they want more recognition; they want a bigger home; they want to dine in fancy restaurants; it's an endless list of things. Many people have just one thing that is the most important thing in life, themselves. There will never be another selfless effort like there was in World War Two where everyone pitched in and did their share. I would make a bet that most people in our country do not even realize we are still at war 75 years later. Jesus declared there would always be wars. We are in wars around the globe. The difference now is it's not the entire nation in the wars, just a small fraction of the country. There are currently 1,455,391 on duty, that is .oo48% of this nation and those men and women are carrying the load most of the other 300,000,000 are whining about wanting more than they have at the moment.

The last time I checked we are in more than a hundred countries around the world fighting greater or lesser wars around the world. Thank God for army rangers and navy seals and the groups that support them!

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