Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Your Sentinel July 15, 2020

      Facebook is no longer for young people; they have abandoned it for different sites. Now Facebook is for those of us over 30-40 years and much older. Facebook allows us to keep in touch with our old friends. So I must ask now, why are we exchanging hateful posts? It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum we are on, half of us will not like these posts. Some of us, me included do not need hate in our lives. Aren't we grown up enough to avoid that? Our views are pretty much set by now, so why try to convert us to one or the other side? Couldn't we just share our lives, events and opinions about other things?
      Here's some thoughts in no particular order. Share wonderful old memories, learning to ride a bike, amusement parks, first love, first day in school, recess on school grounds, pets, gardens, snow storms, cruising as a new driver in an old car or truck, hamburger stands, hot dog stands, going out for ice cream cones, fountain Coca Colas with chocolate or cherry syrup, fishing trips, fish fries, camping, church events, hunting big bucks, first love, first wedding day, honeymoons, prayer requests, army, navy, marine air force stories.
      Let's get creative, what would we like to do? Where have we been? where would we like to go and see?

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