Monday, July 27, 2020

The Sentinel, Reality, Paradox

      We all know what we believe to be reality, but is it actual reality? We gather what we believe is our reality from our perceptions. Are your perceptions the same as mine? Of course they are not! We live in a different world. Politics come to mind, what you perceive may be different than what I do. We are living in different lives and your perception is not mine. That does not mean either of us is wrong, just that we think differently.

      I have always admired people who view life as though looking through a telescope. That limited vision outlook is all they see and they are always right in their minds. Me, I see things from both sides and that is confusing most of the time. I cannot be sure who is right or wrong, all I can do is live my life the way I believe is correct.


      The Covid-19 has made the entire world change and my concern is with my country. Some people want to reopen everything, schools, businesses, restaurants, swimming pools and beaches. Others do not want to reopen too soon. Now here comes the paradox. This country needs to keep our economy rolling, but opening too soon will make more people sick from the virus and that will slow the economy down and that will bring on another great depression in the economy. If we don't open the economy soon it will also bring on another great depression if we are not already in one. Statistics would show we are in one already, so do we make it worse by opening up too soon or do we go full speed ahead? The only way we will know for sure is later into the future. It would seem we are in a tight spot either way we go.

      I cannot take care of the country, all I can do is try to take care of myself and hope others do the same.

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