Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Your Sentinel Today, June 16, 2020, Doctors, Assassinations and UFO Hot Spots

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


Now that we are old-timers the doctors have us in their grip. I don't blame them for trying to keep us healthy and moving, but we seem to have appointments stacked up these days. It's difficult to keep track of all the appointments. We have been so healthy for decades until now. There's checks, re-checks and for me surgeries. I just get tired of all the fuss and yet I do want to stick around for a while longer.

Saying that reminds me of something our daughter asked Joyce almost fifty years ago. She wanted to do something and Joyce said okay in a while. The kid calmly asked, "How long is a while?" Still today, do we really know how long is a while? I know I don't.


It has been obvious that there was more than one shooter that was involved with the assassination of John F. Kennedy There was a massive cover-up over the event and the Warren commission was a farce. Here is a link to an investigation that finally got it correct. It is on You Tube and you will be surprised at who actually did the deed.

I was shocked by what the detectives found. I believe if you are interested in the event you will be shocked too.


I was surprised to find out that Missouri is one of the hot spots of UFO sightings. The first documentation of UFO activity was done over 10 years in Cape Giradeau, Missouri, Las Angeles, Cal. is the most UFO hot spot city in the U.S. UFO's concentrate around nuclear power plants, air force nuclear missile bases and fault lines in the earth. Missouri has all three in a triangle formation in the state. Las Angeles has a major fault line in L.A. county, an air force base nearby and a nuclear power plant close by. In third place is Hudsen valley in New York state. It has a major fault line and a nuclear power plant nearby. It also has an unusual amount of magnetic fields in the valley. Netflix hanger 1 Episode 5 hot spots in U.S. I don't know if the link will get you there if you don't have Netflix. If you do it is something to see!

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