Sunday, June 14, 2020

Your Sentinel News June 14, 2020

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

History 101

This is a new channel on Netflix and it is pretty interesting to me. I watched a show on robots. Science fiction writers wrote about robots taking over the world as far back as 1920. Movies were made about it. What those writers missed was the fact that now we have artificial intelligent robots that can reason and think for themselves. How long will it be before they figure out they do not need humans? They will soon be able to everything on their own, without a need for us. Facebook launched an app 2 years ago that allowed robotic controllers to work on their own without humans. In 2 weeks the controllers developed their own language that engineers could not understand. Robots learn 20 times faster than humans, 24 hours a day every day. Luckily, the engineers just shut those controllers down, but what about next time? There are 9 million robots across the globe now. They do everything from making cars to performing surgeries. They drive our cars for us and even do taxi services. There are companion robots and sex robots for lonely or reclusive men or women. The only thing they don't do is reproduce humans and soon what will humans be worth to the world? Robots will do all the jobs, so what do we do? I do not have an answer.


I bought a toilet bowl cleaner this morning with a big tag printed on it that said it was 10-X better. So what does that mean? Without a reference it means nothing to me. Is it 10 times better than just water or 10 times better than what I had before? Without a reference point it makes no sense at all. I could say I am 100-X today, but 100-X better than what I was as an infant baby, 100-X better than when I was young? It is meaningless without a reference point. Besides I was always a 76% child, young adult, a man. That's okay because it has served me well so far.

Video Games

Long ago, perhaps early nineties we were warned about violent video games would cause violence in our society. I did not believe it back then and until recent years, but now I think those who warned us were correct. Kids grow up with those games now and they get ideas that violence is not a bad thing and besides there is no harm done. As I have said before that once an idea forms in our brain, the actions soon follow. Yesterday I saw a TV commercial that advertised a video game(maybe X-Box) with simple Lego toys blowing each other up and killing other Lego toys. This is how far things have come since a video game "Grand Theft Auto" (I never saw it but heard a lot about it.) I heard there was a lot of car crashes, killing hookers and police. How can that be a good thing for our society? Crashes, mayhem and killing working girls just because it's a game just doesn't seem right to me. If I am wrong, let me know. Working girls and policemen have a life and usually a family, both provide a service. Who can judge all by just a few?

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