Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Sentinel, Love, Duty, Honor 200509

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


I have never known a person who did not want love.
We all seek love, but not all find it.
Why can love be so illusive for some?
Here are my thoughts.
There is always the factor of pure chance.
With 3,800,000 square miles in this country and 350,000,000 people living here it is easy to not meet the right person.
One more thing, I believe if a person does not love one's self and understand one's own value, how can one love another and expect to receive love from another?
One also needs to know the difference between lust and love.


Here's another tough nut to crack.
This reporter's view goes like so:
Duty is serving others as well as oneself.
We serve our country; we serve our government; we serve our family; we serve our lover and we have to serve ourselves.
So far it all sounds simple, does it not?
But here is where the nut gets harder to crack.
We all have one of the 5 above, but some may have 2 or more. That's where it becomes nearly impossible to do. My Joyce had a major task taking care of her job, her family and her mother all at once. In the last nearly 3 years of her mother's life Joyce was on duty 24 hours a day seven days a week. Joyce was sleep deprived for those years and what she felt was her duty almost did her in, in that most permanent way. To this day I do not know how she survived. She could no longer carry on and had to put her mother in a nursing home. On her first consultation with nurses there they asked Joyce how she could possibly have taken care of her mother when 3 shifts of nurses could not keep up with her mother?


Some people have honor, some have none. It's not like the wealth disparity we have in this country and can do nothing about it. In this reporter's mind, honor is something everyone can have. Its only cost is one's own effort, no dinero, no bucks, no smackers, no samoleons.
Honor is doing the right thing all of the time.
Honor is as simple as being honest, truthful, not cheating, doing no harm to others, except for self defense and not killing people.
Now of course there is a caveat with killing, it may be necessary to kill another who is attempting to take your life. It may also be necessary to take a life in an instance when someone is in the moment attempting to kill one's spouse or child.
The hard and fast rule is don't justify to yourself the killing of someone because they did something that you didn't like or felt that person disrespected you.

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