Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Sentinel News Today is all about the Future 200418

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.
Those of us who follow the news have found lately that most of it is about Covid-19. With that in mind, today's news will be dedicated to what this reporter sees as a potential future.


Restaurants will all be carry out. The food will be placed into a sack. The sack will be put into a delivery chamber with a conveyor belt and as the sack travels the conveyor it will be decontaminated of any bacteria or virus before the outside window opens for the customer to take his/her food home.

All restaurants will either be Taco Bell, McDonald's or KFC; that's it, only they will survive this current situation. As I write this I see troubled faces out there. The question is, really nothing but those three? Yes after McDonald's gobbles up all other burger joints they will occupy every corner in the country. The middle of the street will be KFC and the other end will be Taco Bell.

It's all in the game called monopoly.


Robots will greet people at the door, find out what their surgery is for and then wheel the patient into a surgery theater where a robot surgeon will perform the operation while being under control of a human surgeon perhaps miles away from the hospital.

That way no contamination from doctor to patient can happen, no sponges, no instruments will be left inside the patient. We can only hope that the doctor's kids don't come running into his/her home office, bump an arm and cause a catastrophe.

This is of course a few years away and not nearly as soon as the restaurant changeover.

Car Sales

This one may be a really great new thing! Cars are already mostly made by robot machines during assembly. All cars will be autonomous vehicles. The sales lots will be manned by smooth talking robots who will guide you to the car you think you want and then as you slip inside the conveyance the electronic voice in the car will whisk you away and down the roadway. As you cruise along the robot voice will tell you all about the features this car has to offer. You will be able to speak and say where you want to drive to on the test drive (within 5 miles) and should you like the car you will be able to make an offer to purchase. The car will be the sales agent, telling you why you need to come up with more money to get it. By the time you roll back onto the sales lot the car will have radioed the sales robot there and it will be having the computerized printer prepare the documents for your signature, which will be done either by a thumb print or you can tap the computer reader with the embedded chip at your wrist, only slightly different than your current tap and go credit or debit card.

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