Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Real Sentinel News, sex robots 200305

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Sex Robots.

This news just in today

You may remember my previous reporting about sex robots and how they worked. You can type in Twilight Zone in the search bar above and then type in Sex Robots in the search should you care to do so.

The sex robot post is still a top 10 post (usually number 2) nearly 3 years later.

The sex robots are continually evolving, making them more lifelike and prices are declining for the lowest budget devices. Hey if someone is desperate for someone or something to listen to constant babble that some people spew out, that's the answer for them.

New News on Robotic Sex entities today.

It turns out that after several years in homes the sex robots have started leaving, just walking out of the homes of the dysfunctional owners. What a surprise that must be to come home and find even your sex robot has left you. How bad can that be?

On the bright side, perhaps when the robot leaves the owner may decide to actually find some live friends. It could happen.

The thought occurs to this writer that perhaps a robot owner may find this offensive. Should that be the case here, perhaps the anger should be contained within one's self.

Things we never know.

No one knows the future, despite the number of people who make a living predicting what will happen.

This publication and its writer never knows what story will be read and commented upon.

When parents have a teenager they never know will happen next with them.

Movie and TV show producers come up with ideas and productions that they are sure will be the next big hit and they flop. The movie "Casablanca" was made by Warner Brothers company in 1942. The studio cranked out a movie every week back then. They were all low budget films that made some money, but nothing like today. Now 78 years later it is still considered one of the best movies of all time. The number 1 loser of all time was "King Arthur Legend of the Sword." If you missed seeing it, no one else did either. The movie cost $175 million to make and it Lost $150 million.

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