Monday, March 23, 2020

The Sentinel News 200323

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

The Sentinel's location has moved again

Our underground news location has changed. This will mean nothing to you readers. We are just wanting to try and hide from those pesky ET's and maybe a certain government whose name will not be listed. It is important that our news remains non-located so we can remain the straight unaltered news you have come to see. We are not radical; we just report the news as it happens and our opinins can remain unaltered for you. We may not always correct, but we try.

The market indexes are falling again today.

This reporter saw this coming months ago. He did not see the Covid-19 virus on the horizon, but rather the fact that the markets have risen steadily since 2008 and that is a long time for a consistent bull market. Unemployment percentages were sounding very low, but the things those percentages do not show are those who have been unable to regain employment after his/her compensation runs out, They then drop off the percentage and also those who are underemployed (those working 2 jobs and still unable to afford good groceries, health insurance, prescriptions and such.

The overall markets have lost 11.5 trillion dollars this year. Stop and think about that for a moment. The money is gone, but where? Was it ever there? Was it all just numbers that made investors feel good? Would that money be in their pockets right now had they sold at the market tops?

This is my thinking: The trillion dollar gift the government gave to big businesses and none to working people was supposed to be so business could hire workers and increase manufacturing, but what really happened (as I said at the time) the big boys who got the money did none of that. What they did was buy their own stock and raise its prices. Then as the market rose to dizzying heights they sold short to drive down the markets so they had a whipsaw effect buying and driving up prices and selling short to gain additional profits while the 401-K investors ended up losing their proverbial backsides. When it comes to money, no one can be trusted to do the right thing! The temptation is just too great for human beings.

Covid-19, Corona Virus

More than 485 people have died from the virus as of this moment and 41,000 cases are now present.These are what are being reported right now from sources outside the U.S. government, which is not wanting the truth come out.This reporter thinks perhaps those reported numbers are much lower than reality at this point. The virus could last another year and possibly wipe out 2% of the U.S, population. Think about that, 2% doesn't sound like much but that amounts to 7 million grandmas and grandpas and perhaps a lot of small children.

Schools are closed all over the country and there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million children whose only substantial meals come from school programs around the country. We, the richest country on earth cannot feed our children or care for the homeless or even care about the homeless

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