Friday, February 28, 2020

The New Sentinel News 200228

The Sentinel

The real Sentinel news giving you all the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Corona Virus!

In my days in California the Corona virus was the hangover after too much Mexican Corona beer. It only lasted a day of misery at work. Now this is so much different.This new virus is spreading beyond all control. It is on pace to become a global pandemic. The worst pandemic was in the 14th century when 200 million people died of the black plague.

Current estimates are a 2% death rate. That doesn't sound like a lot, but consider this: 2% of the American population is 5.7 million people. That seems a significant number to this reporter. A vaccine for this is 2 years out and by then the virus may already have morphed into something else by then as viruses do.

Just today I found out the men at Travis air force base in California unloaded passengers and baggage without proper protective equipment for safety. All of those men have families and relatives. Can you see how this could potentially spread rapidly?

Only time will tell.

The Dow Jones stock index fell again yesterday.

The index fell 1192 points making for an 11% drop in those stocks just this week.

This may and probably is not the end of that. There could be a steep parabolic negative curve soon. That would drop all market stocks precipitously in short order. Hold on, this could be a bumpy ride.

I can only report facts (most of the time) and sadly I will not hand out advice, though I know what I would be doing at this point,

On the brighter Side.

We haven't had any of these below since we left the farm.

The old farm house was 95 years old and way out of town when we left it. It had a full basement and there was no way not to have bugs from time to time. We had to spray the basement constantly to keep bugs out of the upstairs of the house.

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