Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cloning 200107

      Cloning does not sound like a good idea to me.

      Suppose the NFL did cloning. Every quarterback would be Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady or Joe Montana. Every defensive lineman would be J. J. Watt, every linebacker would be Lawrence Taylor.

      Major league baseball would be limited to just a few players, like Ted Williams or Jackie Robinson or Stan Musial or Sandy Koufax or Bob Gibson or Don Newcombe. For those of you younger folks Don Newcombe was an all-star pitcher who could hit very well too.

      Scientists would be limited to Einstein or Tesla or Neal DeGrasee Tyson.

      Chefs would all be Julia Child or Jock Pepin or Martha Stewart.

      We could end up in a world of everyone being like one of the 17 people listed above. I purposely left out my picks for what all women would look like because beauty is a subjective assessment in the eyes of the beholder. In all fairness I would of had my beautiful wife Joyce in that mix. Her picture below was how she looked 56 years ago when I met her.

       Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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