Friday, December 27, 2019

My Inheritance 191227

      The picture below is of my dad in the seventies.

      My ancestors were poor and I guess I have those genes still in me. Joyce's family was little better off than mine. They like my ancestors lived through the great depression ( I always chuckle when I hear or think about the great depression, what was great about it?). Joyce and I had some rough times back in our early marriage, but we survived it because of those ancestral genes.When our daughter was born there was a period of time when most of our resources went to giving her the best nutrition available, while we lived on hot dogs, French fries and lots of ketchup.

      The picture below was taken on the front porch of my home in the early sixties. It has my mom barely visible holding one of my sisters and the other two children are also a brother and sister.

      These days TV commercials speak of leaving large inheritances for children and grandchildren. I suppose that is fine for those who can afford to do that with the huge salaries some people make these days. I just hope our descendants aren't counting on that happening.

      My dad died long ago and my inheritance was two shirts from the late sixties. I am still wearing them today. I put them on and think I am wearing shirts that are older than half of the current world's population. My jeans that I wear, the newest are ones I bought in 2008. The others go back eight or nine years before that. Until today, the newest shirt I had was one Joyce bought for me for Christmas in 2004. I have other shirts that are nice and they were bought from a church thrift store for fifty cents or less. I am not trying to complain here, merely stating a fact. I am not distressed or angry. In fact, I am quite satisfied with everything in my life.

      Now today, I splurged and bought three flannel shirts from the Walmart closeout rack and three pairs of socks (had to pay full price on them) So I spent $19 on clothing, a big thing for me. I suppose it is because I am old and I really don't care about how I look other than being clean in appearance. With a mug like mine, all the dress clothes in the world wouldn't change how I look.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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