Tuesday, December 10, 2019

I want to make a point here 191210

      Some may think I am whining, some may agree. It makes no difference to me. It is what it is. The post is mainly about subsidized housing. The picture below reminds me of my navy days. Assignments went right down the squadron rolls starting either at the A or the Z and starting from the Z meant I was picked every time. The guys with names in the middle of the alphabet rarely got the duty on working parties.

      There are some very nice apartments a block away from ours, but they are government assisted rents. They are half the price we pay for rent here and they supply a washer a drier, paid water and sewer.

      Joyce and I have worked hard all our lives and have saved all the money we could, but now we are just getting by in our retirement with all we did to prepare for this time in our lives. We did all that we could, but things changed.

      Now had we spent every nickel we made like many people do these days and retired with nothing but Social Security, we could be living better than we are today because we would qualify for subsided housing. As it is, we are just about $500 a year above that level to qualify. The thing that gets me to my core is the subsidized apartments have income requirements so low that I can't imagine how those living there can pay the rent and have insurance.

      We started working when wages were $1 an hour. Our first years of marriage I was in the navy making less than $100 a month and we survived and never asked for help. We never made the salaries people do today. The most I ever made was $32,000 in any year of my life and never hit that mark the last 20 years of my working life.

      Here's my thinking, live irresponsibly and the government will reward you, live responsibly and you may end up getting screwed. This does not apply to everyone, but it fits a lot of people.

      I am happy we are not living completely on the dole, but it does cost you. Don't work, live off parents and friends and get rewarded. It just doesn't make sense to me.

      Part of our problem is requirements for assisted rent are based on gross income and we all know gross income is not what people live on, we survive on net income.


Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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