Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Thoughts 191223

      These are our Christmas decorations for this year. The pictures were taken in the dark without a flash to show the LED lighting.


      Christmas is but days away
      It's time for laughter, joy and play
      Not everyone gets to celebrate with family
      Some must always be vigilant you see
      Their day is spent in protecting you and me
      I'm thinking about the young sailor out to sea
      Wishing he was home with his family
      Lest we forget the soldier or the marine
      For his Christmas day can be a violent scene
      Let's not forget the nurse comforting a dying soul
      A horrible event she cannot control
      The policeman out on patrol all alone
      Unable to call his family on the phone
      The emergency medical tech racing to save a life
      Possibly someone's mother, grandmother or wife
      The surgeon on call ready to do whatever he may
      To rush in quickly and save a life on Christmas day
      Most of us will be with loved ones to celebrate the holiday
      Let us not forget those those serving on watch far far away
      And those here at home protecting us and saving lives every day
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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