Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Women 191112

      It took a while, but the right one came along.

      The picture above is Joyce back in 1968 or 69.

      I dated other girls in my life before Joyce. Some were race horses, some were nags and then along came Joyce. She had the beauty of a thoroughbred and has been a workhorse. I mean that in the most wonderful way. Joyce has the beauty of a wonderful human soul and yet has the stamina built in despite her age and current limitation these days.

      Any normal woman would not have survived what she lived through in the last 2.5 months of 2017. Joyce made it and is still the most wonderful woman I have ever met. I can’t imagine living without her or how lucky I was to find her and convince her to be my bride.

      I know Joyce is an earth mother. Everyone she meets opens up to her and tells her all of their joys, problems and desires. She does not share those stories with me. She may be one of the last surviving earth mothers. Her mother and grandmother were also that way.

      Our daughter has a way about her that makes people, even strangers, open up to her, so perhaps she is also an earth mother, I do not know for sure. If she is, then the tradition lives on. It could be that at maturity her daughter will be too. I would like that because we need more like Joyce.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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