Friday, November 1, 2019

November Curse 191101

      November has not been a good month for Joyce and I.

      All three of my departures on cruises in the navy began in November. Two of the three were good cruises, but all the departures and thoughts of being away for nine months at a time were not good. Joyce's father died at 45 years old on her birthday in November. My father looked like he was recovering from his leg amputation by Thanksgiving of 92. He had a prosthetic leg and was learning to walk on it. By the last day of November he was in the hospital for congestive heart failure and died two weeks later at the age of 70. Joyce had to agree to put her mother on hospice in November of 2006. Her mother died on December 6, 2006.

      I started my TV business in early 1974 and was doing well until November of 1975 when everything turned sour. The recession hit hard and I had loaded up on supply parts for my increased business on credit from the supplier before the recession hit us. I called the distributor and offered to send back everything I owed money for and the distributor told me to just keep it and pay as I sold the parts; they were already feeling the pinch. I did pay them off but it took a year.

      I had a fall on the morning of November 1, 2011. By Christmas of 2011 I could not even hold a soup spoon and hit my mouth with it. By January of 2012 I was in the hospital for emergency surgery of a sub-dermal hematoma that was putting severe pressure on my brain.

      There are more things I could relate if I thought more about this curse, but we are already in November and my concern about that makes me not even want to consider what could happen this year.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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