Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Doctor Strangelove 191121

      This is a movie that has affected me for all of my adult life.

      The characters are terrific in every way. It is a fantasy about the use of nuclear weapons and what happens and what leaders would do when a nuclear war starts. It is referred to as a black comedy. The movie was released in 1964 at the heart of the cold war with the USSR. I have watched the movie and read the book more times than I can remember. I remember reading that after the movie people who visited the White House on tours were asking to see 'The War Room' tour guides would say that it was fiction and didn't exist, but I have to wonder. Despite the fact it was a comedic fantasy there were many things in the movie that shocked the government as they wondered how a movie could have so much fiction that was very close to the reality.

      One thing in the movie that was true is the fact that there were nuclear armed B-52 bombers in the air 24/7 ready to attack USSR if they launched an attack on America. There were times during the sixties and seventies when the nuclear war countdown clock was within minutes of launching a war that would have ended the world.

       You can go to You Tube and type in Doctor Strangelove in the search box and see dozens of short clips from the movie. I selected one link to a multitude of clips and found them comical and yet serious at the same time.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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