Tuesday, October 15, 2019

‘Enlightenment’ Chapter 4 191015

      Being and yet not being was a real insight into things Nirvana had been telling me.

       I cut across a canyon that forced the road to make a hairpin ‘S’ curve. There were two young people in the back of the canyon, away from the road. They didn’t notice me go by, but they wouldn’t have noticed a herd of buffalo stampede past them. They were quite busy. This new experience did have some definite advantages. No longer having or needing my knapsack, I had no dinner to go along with the show.

       I continued on my journey back down the mountain. I had no goal, but I was moving just the same. Another advantage of my condition was no sweating or fatigue. The further down the mountain I went the more activity I encountered. As more and more vehicles drove by I was tempted to test my new condition by stepping out in front of one of them. I started to step in front of another truck rolling by at 60 miles an hour, but thought what if the poor guy did see me? He might crash trying to avoid me. Of course I could just be delirious and then the truck really would finish me off. I determined to observe more before testing my limits further.

       I walked for what seemed hours. My Charity had dropped me off at the base of the hiking trail Friday night and was not due back until Sunday noon. But having this weird experience of falling almost 300 feet and not knowing what else to do, I decided to spend what I thought was Saturday afternoon and evening walking on home.

       When I got there Jake’s pickup truck was in the driveway. I thought he must have been feeling better, as he had bowed out of out hiking trip yesterday due to some stomach distress. Diarrhea is no fun in the wilderness. I went to honk the horn and let them know I was home, but even though I was sure I hit the button, nothing sounded. How would I open the door? Duh… If there wasn’t enough of me to depress the horn button, I should be able to pass right through the door or a wall even. Gee now I wish I had stepped in front of the truck.

       I passed through the door but no one was in the living room. There was a movie playing in the video player and oh my, it sure wasn’t one of mine! I slipped through the wall into the bedroom. Well Jake must have had a full recovery, but something was wrong with Charity. Maybe she fell in the shower and Jake was giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? But he didn’t’ need to have his clothes off for that. Well she must have been coming back to consciousness, I heard her moan even though her eyes were still shut. Hey there was nothing wrong with them at all. Damn, I couldn’t even pick up my baseball bat!

       Well I guessed this wasn’t heaven, but just what was it? Charity and I weren’t as close as I thought. Now what was I to do? I bet it was bath time over at Ms. Tilde’s house. I always wondered, hey, I’m there. I, wow, they are real. I don’t see any scars from implants. Whoa, her arm went right through me. This new state of being had its advantages. Well now that I appeased my voyeuristic side, it no longer had the allure it once had. That was really weird, to just think of being somewhere and then suddenly being there.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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