Sunday, October 13, 2019

Enlightenment Chapter 2

      Some of this story I is a fantasy, some actually happened. It is up to you to figure out what is true and what is not.

       Nirvana was a strange quirky woman from down the street. I remember shortly after Charity moved into my house, I was driving home from work when I felt the steering on my car was suddenly out of control. I pulled into the repair garage on Fifth Street and oddly enough, two wheels had the lug nuts come loose. The mechanic said the lugs were almost sheared through and I would have to leave the car until he could get new ones in the morning. “Fine,” I said. “I’ll just walk home and pick up the car tomorrow.” I started walking home when I passed an occult bookstore on First Street and the oddly dressed Nirvana walked out of the store and said hello.

      “You’re Bill aren’t you?”

      “Yes, but I don’t know your name.”

      “I’m Nirvana, and I’m one of your neighbors.”


      “Yes, I wouldn’t lie to you, as others do.”

      “What do you mean?” I asked.

      “I mean you are often duped by friends and co-workers.”

      “Lady, you don’t even know me.”

      “Nirvana knows many things.”

      “Lady, I have friends who are pretty good and they don’t lie to me. I have a nice girl who is trying to find a job so hopefully we can save some money and someday get married. And I’m satisfied all is well in my life.”

      “If only you knew.”

      “Lady it’s eight more blocks to home from here. Let’s not talk about my personal life and what you may think of it.”

      “As you wish. Would you like to make a bet on a horse race? I sometimes know who the winner will be before the race is run.”

      “Lady so does my bookie at work. He must, because I lose every time I bet with him.”

      “What shall we talk about Bill?”

      “I don’t care as long as it’s not my personal life, religion or politics. I don’t know you well enough to share any of those details with you.”

      “I know more about you than you can imagine.”

      “Lady, Nirvana whomever you are, how is it that you know anything at all about me? We have never met, I barely recognize you, yet you say you know all about me.”

      “Not everything is as you seem to think Bill. Many things are very clear when you step away and look at a larger picture. Many things are made clear when one meditates and clears one’s mind. Only then does the truth become apparent, when the glow of enlightenment begins to shine.”

      “Nirvana, do you really believe in that stuff?”

      “You could learn for yourself Bill.”

      “Yeah, well maybe later.”

      “What fills your mind fills your world Bill.”

      I walked on home with her at my side and found she lived the second house from the corner on my block. She was strange and some of what she said may have been true, but I was not ready to investigate any further. I had a life and it was okay.

      We had a block party some weeks later and she was there. I saw her and tried to turn away before we made eye contact, but it was too late. I had to go over and say hello. “Say I was thinking, if you know so much, how come you ended up in this neighborhood with all of the dangerous chemicals in the ground?”

      “Bill I knew the problem and also knew as long as I didn’t grow vegetables or flowers in the soil and only drank bottled water, I would be safe enough. I only took over payments from a terrified homeowner, so the mortgage on my property is only $15,000. Quite less than the $60,000 you paid Bill. Besides, how else would we have met?”

      “Are you still on that occult kick? Most people get over that in a month or two. And why would we have to meet? Couldn’t we go our whole life without ever knowing each other?”

      “Yes, yes, so I could help you and yes.”

      She could have been wearing a duck on her head and I wouldn’t have looked at her any more strangely than I did. “What are you saying now?”

      “Yes I’m still studying different things, yes most people quit in less than two months, we have met so I can help you and yes we could go all our lives and never know each other, but you need and want me here, so I came.”

      “Nirvana, I need to find Charity, she gets a few drinks in her and gets a little flirty. I’ll see you later.”

      “Yes she does and yes you will.”

      I looked at her again and wondered what the hell she was talking about. Little did I know what it all meant? I washed it from my mind; I was leaving tomorrow and headed to the mountains.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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