Saturday, October 12, 2019

Enlightenment Chapter 1 191012

      This is a story I have written and while it is a fantasy, it has a lot of my life in it. It is up to the reader to figure out what pertains to me and what does not. By the way, I am not Jake in the story.

       I want to share a story with you that happened and though it may sound a little fantastic, it did take place.

      I was just an average guy in an average job making less than average wages for above average work. Everyone liked me at work. The little pranks were just their way of having fun. The coffee cup glued to the table was in good fun. Switching words around in my reports after I had them ready for submission to my boss was not helping me put my best foot forward, but I hardly think the sabotage was maliciously intentional. I doubt I would have gotten that promotion into management anyway.

      My girlfriend Charity was a nice looking woman and she had been with me for two years, ever since she left her previous boyfriend. He was emotionally and sometimes physically abusing her. I thought he was just a little frustrated by his job and scared of what might happen if he were to lose it because of his drinking. He sometimes missed work because he was not feeling well enough to go on Mondays. But I had no complaints; Charity was going to pay her share of the mortgage when she got a job. She was fun to be with and occasionally she would share a few intimate moments with me. So I figured we would eventually get closer and probably get married.

      My best buddy Jake was another good thing in my life. He was usually there when I needed a hand and the loans he borrowed were paid back eventually, even if he would turn around and borrow the money back before the night was over. He had his problems too. It wasn’t his fault he seemed to be attracted to married women. Jake was working part time in a warehouse for Walmart. I sometimes think his working third shift and being off all day long was part of the problem. He was out and about during the day when many dissatisfied, bored, women were out looking for a way to pass the time until their next TV show came on. It wasn’t his fault they were more than available.

      I had bought this house in a neighborhood that was a good one and I never dreamed that shortly after I bought the house that the Environmental Protection Agency would declare the neighborhood an unsafe area to live with small children. It seems that the local electric plant had dumped some chemical on the ground for years before there were laws against that. The real estate agent said she had no idea that was soon to happen, after all, her friend had been the seller and she wouldn’t have lived there if she knew it was unsafe for children to be there. That sort-of made sense to me. Some of the people I worked with told me I should sue the agent and the company, but I figured if she really didn’t know about the area going to be listed as a hazardous site, I didn’t feel right about making her feel worse than she already said she felt.

      There was one other person of note in my life, Nirvana. She will show up in chapter 2.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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