Monday, October 21, 2019

Cardinal Baseball and Beer 191021

      The Cardinals are out for this year but baseball continues and I have a story to share. This picture below was Harry Caray when I was just a boy.

      Harry was the broadcaster for the Cardinals from 1944 to 1969 and he could make a game exciting, even when it wasn't. Note in the picture the microphone has Gresedick Brother's embossed on it. That was a Saint Louis Brewery that sponsored Cardinal baseball on the radio. More about Gresedick Brother's beer below in the post.
      Harry left Saint Louis in 1969 after it was discovered the old man was having an affair with Susan Bush, the young wife of August Bush III. Harry was there for the best years of Cardinal baseball in my opinion. The Cardinals have had many great seasons since and Jack Buck was a good commentator through those years, but he was no Harry Caray in my opinion.
      The Gresedick brothers also made Falstaff beer in Saint Louis and Stag beer in Illinois. Gresedick was at one time the most popular beer in town. That title then shifted to Falstaff later. Stag was always a popular beer, especially with diabetics. They seemed to believe Stag was okay when diabetics had the disease.
      As I researched this post today I found that while Gresedick was out of production for years, descendants of the brothers have re-incorporated the brand and are now servicing some places in Saint Louis again.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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