Thursday, October 10, 2019

Addiction 191010

      Some are addicted to pain killing drugs, some to alcohol and there are groups to help them shed those addictions.

      Me, I am addicted to the Walmart electronics department. Joyce and I were in Walmart today just to pick up some mundane items, but as I passed by electronics I had to walk through and scan what was there, even though I do that every 2-3 days. I found 3 small items I could not resist. I wanted them but really did absolutely need them, but my Joyce always says need has nothing to do with that.

      I can't help myself in that department. I remember what electronics devices used to cost and now they seem so inexpensive to me. Our first color TV in 1968 cost $750 back when that was a tremendous amount of money. That TV had poor definition on a 23 inch screen and the colors were not that good either. Today I saw a 40 inch flat panel high definition TV for $196. I already have 2, but it was difficult not to buy #3. Last year I bought a wonderful Sony 5 channel sound system with an 8 inch sub-woofer for $138. My first stereo was more than that in 1969 and it was with 2 small speakers, good for that time but not like this one. Walmart has cameras with all the bells and whistles for less than $200 when those same cameras used to be more than $1000. Lucky for me I take very few pictures these days or I would have one of those new cameras. Today's purchases were 2 flash drives that I bought. 1 was a 64 giga-byte drive I got for $6, 1000 times more storage space that the first one I bought in the nineties for $24. How could I resist? We got home from Walmart and I was giddy as a child at Christmas with my having my packages to unwrap and put to use. I am now using those 2 flash drives and am happy as a clam (don't really know how that saying came about or what it was meant to mean, but I think most people understand it in the way I am writing about it today). My supply of electronic devices is still minuscule in comparison to most. I don't have enough space for what I used to have years ago.

      Lucky for me, I am only addicted to 3 other things than electronic gear, those being coffee, beer and internet. Well there's maybe Netflix too along with conspiracy shows, UFO shows, writing to you who read my posts, but hey I'm still in control, right? Is there an internet or electronics aversion society? No, why would there be?

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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