Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Notes for the day 190924

      Joyce and I woke up at about 03:00 this morning, with a coughing fit from our colds that have managed to go from our heads to our chests, not a good start for the day. We stayed up for hours, we had breakfast and a pot full of coffee but were still tired.

      About 06:30 we decided to take a nap. Joyce fell asleep right away, me not so much. I woke up at 08:30 from a terrible dream, but was still trying to go back to sleep. Joyce woke up soon after with a horrific scream from a knot in her leg. I jumped out of bed and headed for a pain relieving lotion we have had for a while. By the time I got it she was calming down as the pain waned. Getting old is not for the feint of heart.
      I was thinking again about yesterday's post "The Bear and the Swine." I can't be 100% sure, but they were not with us on the next cruise. I suppose they either ended their time in service or were transferred; I don't know.
      I do have a good memory for those times, but maybe it is not as good as I think. I will not lie about anything, but I could be mistaken with things that happened some 53 years ago.
      I do have a good story for tomorrow about that second cruise, tune in and enjoy.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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