Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Thoughts on the day 190806

      I don't know how or why I remember obscure things but can't remember things I really want to recall.

      I had a cousin who used to say, "love makes the world go round, but money greases the wheel." I was 20 years-old back then and didn't believe that. Since then I think there is some truth to that. I believe a marriage without earning enough money to keep the wolves from the door is doomed. I also think a marriage with the earners obsessed on nothing but earning more and more wealth puts love of partner in the back seat and money in the front seat; that seems a recipe for disaster.
      My old dad used to say this, "Working people generally start as democrats, but when they start making good money they turn republican." I disagreed with that back in those days. Now with so many people making so much more than I ever did, I see that the old man was right. While there are a lot of wealthy republicans (good for them) there aren't enough rich people to win by voting in elections for republicans to win at the polls; therefore there has to be many higher earning working people voting republican since they got higher salaries.
      I do not mean to demonize anyone voting either way. I am merely remembering things I heard decades ago and how my thoughts have changed over the years.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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