Friday, July 5, 2019

Then and now 190705

      This thought came to me today.

      During my navy days being away from Joyce and Annie while on deployments, our only communication was by letters and those letters took a week or more to get back and forth. I found out that despite my efforts to keep Joyce informed on what I was doing and how I felt about things, sometimes things were badly misinterpreted.
      I believe that with the wifi on ships these days things would be so much nicer. I could contact Joyce every day or so and easily repair any misconceptions and with Skype or other video chats we could see each other and have a good idea of how each other was thinking. Just being able to see each other every day or other day would make those long deployments so much easier than they were back then when I was gone.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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