Saturday, July 6, 2019

Cell phones and driving 190706

      I have a real issue with drivers and cell phones.

      The other day I was leaving Walmart and came up to a stop light at the edge of their parking lot. I was behind 8 cars, me being number 9. The light was red. The light is set up for about 12 cars to go through on green before changing to red again. What happened was the thing that seems to happen all over my area these days. The light changed from red to green and the 4th car's driver was busy checking his phone and finally returned to attention and scooted through the stop light as it went from yellow to red. That annoyed me. The next time the light changed to green the same thing happened when the 8th car in line ahead of me was lost in texting and recovered in time to shoot through the yellow light. By that time I was fuming! It took 3 cycles for me to exit when it should have been just one cycle.
      As the picture above shows a driver with one hand holding a phone to his ear and the other hand on the steering wheel. I have lost track of how many times drivers making turns with one hand on the steering wheel and the other pasted to his/her head and talking on a cell phone. They either pull out in front of me (when I the right of way) or make a wide turn at a stop light because they can't control their car with just one hand and they almost hit my car as I sit in traffic waiting. This has to be stopped.
      I have been on the interstate highways and have had people pass me at more than 80 mph, all the while looking down and texting on their phones. It scares the hell out of me.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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